The yield and parameters of ecological plasticity, stability and homeostaticity of new varieties of spring barley in the conditions of West Siberian region

Автор: Aniskov N.I., Nikolaev P.N., Popolzukhin P.V., Safonova I.V.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 8, 2016 года.

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In Siberia the establishment of spring barley va-rieties with high and stable yields is of paramount importance. 12 varieties of barley selection were studied by Siberian Research Institute of Agricul-ture in the conditions of southern forest-steppe and steppe zones of West Siberian region. The as-sessment of adaptive potential of barley varieties was carried out in the statistical parameters calcu-lated on the basis of grain productivity. The account was made according to VIR technique of barley studying. The calculation of parameters of stability, plasticity and homeostatic ability was carried out according to S.A. Eberhart, W.A. Russell (1966), V.V. Angelino (1977), E.D. Nettevich (1985), V.A. Dragavtsev (1984). In 2011 the maximum productivity (higher than 6.0 t/hectare) was noted in the zone of southern forest-steppe in the varieties: Omsk 100, Sasha, the Gift of Siberia, Omsk 99, in the steppe zone was in Omsk 100. The minimum yield of 1.0 t/hectare and below was in the varieties of Siberian Vanguard, Omsk Hulless 1 and 2. In our experiment more responsiveness in the improve-ment of conditions of cultivation had the varieties: Omsk 100, Siberian Vanguard, Sasha, the Gift of Siberia, Omsk 99, Omsk 90 and Omsk 95. The most stable were the varieties Hulless and Omsk 2 May. According to estimates by the method of V.A. Dragavtseva, May, Hulless 2 Omsk, Omsk 89 were varieties of extensive type, and the Siberian Vanguard, 100 Omsk, Omsk 99 were of intensive type. Maximum homeostatic ability was recorded in the varieties: Omsk 100, Omsk 95, Sasha and Omsk 99. From the used methods the most per-spective were multiplication coefficient, indicators of homeostasis ability and the stability level of varie-ties. The most adaptive varieties were Omsk 100, Sasha, Omsk 99, Omsk 95 and the Gift of Siberia.


Spring barley, variety, yield, stability, plasticity, homeostatic ability, environmental fac-tors, variation coefficient, adaptability, ecological conditions, capacity, selection, productivity, regres-sion coefficient, the indicator of the level of sort's stability


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