The yield of collection varieties of the genus wheat grass (Agropyron) in the conditions of Central Yakutia

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The research objective was studying and selection on the productivity of green mass of the variety samples of wheat grass for further using in the selection on the creation of a new variety of haying and pasture type of using adapted for climatic conditions of Yakutia. The results of the tests of 22 samples of wheat grass from a world collection of N. I. Vavilov All-Russia Institute of Plants Genetic Resources were presented: pectineal wheat grass (A. pectinаtum) - 12 samples; edge (A. Cristatum) - 2; Siberian wheat grass (A. fragile) - 2; desert wheat grass (A. desertorum Schult.) - 2; stiff-leaved wheat grass (A. cristatum subsp. Sclerophyllum Novopokr.) - 1; Kerch wheat grass (A. cimmericum Nevski) - 1; Lavrenko wheat grass (A. lavrenkoanum Prokud) - 1 and 1 hybrid of pectineal wheat grass × the desert wheat grass. The research was conducted on scientific and field nursery of Yakut research institute of agriculture near Pokrovsk of Hangalassk area of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In the collection nurseries the accounts and supervision by the techniques of V. R. Williams (All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of Forages of 1993, 2012), N. I. Vavilov All-Union Institute of Plants Genetic Resources (1985) were carried out. Average value of all numbers of wheat grass was taken for the standard from the results of the research of 2018-2020 from 22 samples of wheat grass on the productivity of green mass perspective initial material - two samples of pectineal wheat grass - one wild growing from the Ukraine and one from Kazakhstan, exceeding average green mass productivity all the samples by 0.57-11.1 t/hectare, and broad eared wheat grass of Altai Region is emitted (for 1.20 t/hectare).


Central yakutia, wheat grass, green mass, collection

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140250562   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-11-248-253

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