The productivity of folder crops of annual mixes in the conditions of Kostroma region

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In the conditions of constant increase livestock volumes there is need for food supply strengthening. Cultivation of annual grass mixtures for the branch of animal husbandry helps to solve the problem of providing with feed. For these purposes two-component mixes are more often used. Multi-component mixes of annual grasses are insufficiently studied and seldom applied. The purpose of the research is to assess the efficiency of agrophytocenosis and feed quality of two- and three- component mixtures of annual fodder crops for green forage and silage. Two- and three-component mixes with oats, spring vetch, pisum arvense (field peas), lupine narrow-leaved, soy, oil radish were studied. The research was conducted in the Kostroma Region on the basis of experi-mental field of Kostroma State Agricultural Academy. The researches were carried out in accordance with methodologi-cal guidance on conducting surveys and field observations suggested by Dospekhov. The objects of study were two- and three-component mixtures of annual grasses, such as oats, vetch, pisum arvense (field peas), lupine, soybean, oil radish. Control option was mix, traditional for cultivation, oats + vetch. The results of the researches during four years are given in the study, the dynamics of increasing green mass and accu-mulation of dry matter at cultivation is presented for annual grasses for green forage and silage. On the basis of received results it is recommended to grow up grass mix oats + vetch + radish and oats + pisum arvense + radish for green forage, and for silage - oats + vetch + radish, oats + pisum arvense and oats + pisum arvense + radish in the conditions of the Northwest region of the Russian Federation.


Yield productivity, multicomponent mixtures, green fodder, silage, annual grass, oats, spring vetch, field peas, soybean, oil radish, pisum arvense, lupine

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IDR: 140224411

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