Conditions for professional development of teachers in the system of higher education

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This paper deals with the scientific analysis of organizational and methodological support provided in training of future teachers and educators. This analysis has revealed a number of major trends in innovative training. The author has considered the learning process in modern educational institutions in terms of spiritual and moral upbringing, including development through the values of pedagogical culture, i.e. orienting the future education professionals towards the real social problems and needs. The paper describes the organizational and teaching conditions affecting the professional development of highly qualified educators and the organizational and pedagogical mechanism of their professional development. The study has revealed the organizational and pedagogical conditions with a positive potential for real support of occupational training. The author has also analyzed the optimization of university education, which implies that the optimization is impossible without a systematic monitoring of students and informed choice of the teaching means and methods that promote objective results at least cost...


Teacher, educator, pedagogical process, pedagogical management, higher education, pedagogical conditions, occupational training

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IDR: 14116873

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