The sustainable development of knowledge-intensive industries of corporate education: the essence and system of principles of strategic planning
Автор: Tsvettsykh A., Dalisova N., Lobkov K., Maria N.
Журнал: Социально-экономический и гуманитарный журнал Красноярского ГАУ @social-kgau
Рубрика: Региональная и отраслевая экономика
Статья в выпуске: 4 (34), 2024 года.
Бесплатный доступ
Fundamental changes in the military-political and economic situation in the world, the active use of digital technologies in all spheres of society and the priority importance of qualitative changes in the Russian economy on a new socio-cultural and technological basis put forward new requirements for strategic planning systems for the development of knowledge-intensive industries in Russia. Based on the substantiation of the importance of strategic management of corporate entities, taking into account the risks of innovative activities in modern conditions, the need for state support and financing of knowledge-intensive industries, as well as the special role of digitalization in their development, the authors substantiate the need to ensure sustainable development of knowledge-intensive industries of corporate entities. The object of the study is corporate entities that carry out innovative activities in the context of formational changes in the military-political environment, engineering and technology, and the socio-economic environment. The subject of the study was the signs and patterns of sustainable development of knowledge-intensive industries of corporate entities. The purpose of the presented study was to reveal the essence of the category "sustainable development of corporate education" to substantiate the methodological principles of strategic planning for the sustainable development of knowledge-intensive industries of corporate education. The main result of the study was to clarify the category "sustainable development of corporate education" based on the results of the analysis of the concepts "development", "sustainability", which made it possible to identify the patterns of sustainable development of knowledge-intensive industries of corporate education. Taking into account these patterns of sustainable development, modern trends in the socio-economic, political development of the environment, the goals of knowledge-intensive industries growth made it possible to determine the methodological principles of strategic planning for the sustainable development of the emerging knowledge-intensive industries of corporate entities. The obtained results of the study are intended to form a methodological base for the development of tools for strategic planning of innovative activities of knowledge-intensive industries of corporate entities.
Knowledge-intensive industries, corporate education, development, sustainable development, patterns of sustainable development, principles of sustainable development, principles of strategic planning
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 140307667 | DOI: 10.36718/2500-1825-2024-4-54-65