Device for preparation for liquid dung utilization

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Livestock is an important branch of agriculture because it satisfies food and other human needs. At the same time, the development of animal husbandry and its productivity are closely related to the development of crop production, as well as the intensity of land use, and in turn, animal husbandry provides field crops with organic fertilizers in the form of bedding and under manure. However, before it is applied to the soil manure, it must be subjected to certain processing. In terms of technology, it is more difficult to process and prepare for the use of liquid manure obtained in modern cattle-breeding enterprises than solid litter, which is the urgency of developing effective methods and devices for processing liquid manure. The article presents a diagram of a device that allows you to implement one of the ways to prepare liquid manure for use. The effectiveness of the proposed method and device is the ability to ensure: high-quality preparation of organic fertilizers in slime collectors or manure stores, both separately from liquid manure of cattle and pig manure, and their mixtures and a high level of mechanization, reducing the cost of manual labor and environmental friendliness of mixing processes. The proposed method and device for the preparation of manure can be effectively used in medium and small livestock enterprises, as well as in farms that do not have large areas, but having their own food base.


Liquid dung, cattle manure, pig manure, organics, liquid dung utilization, preparation method of liquid dung utilization, device for preparation for liquid dung utilization

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IDR: 147230885

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