Variations of atmospheric emission 557.7 nm during the action of stratospheric warmings under conditions of high and low solar activity
Автор: Mikhalev A.V.
Журнал: Солнечно-земная физика @solnechno-zemnaya-fizika
Статья в выпуске: 15, 2010 года.
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The study deals with the effect of abnormally high average night values of the intensity of the atomic oxygen atmospheric emission 557.7 nm (luminescence heights are of 85-115 km) during periods of action of sudden winter stratospheric warmings (SW) in Eastern Siberia. The analysis of variations of the emission intensity 557.7 nm (I557.7) showed interdaily oscillations of I557.7 during SW, and high monthly averages I557.7 during winter months under high solar activity. Results show that, under high solar activity, during SW action, mean I557.7 are superimposed with oscillations of periods of few days in the maximum of which abnormally high daily values of I557.7 are observed. The high mean values of I557.7 during winter months in Eastern Siberia can be related with the 2-3 times increase of atomic oxygen density at heights of luminescence of the 557.7 nm emission during years of high solar activity.
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 142103387