Value and structure of radiation dose for emergency workers as a function of the radiation emergency mitigation phase and activity

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There was performed a research of the radiation dose size and radiation dose structure of those who participated in the elimination of the Chernobyl disaster consequences. It was established that the levels of 90Sr, 137Cs and 239Pu received by means of inhaling by the «liquidators» worked at the Chernobyl atomic power station site in June and July of 1986 did not exceed the limits set by radiation standards-76/87 of that time. The average radiation doses of the «liquidators» in 1986, 1987 and 1988 were 186, 98 and 47 mGy, respectively. The most dangerous exposure to radiation was received by those who participated in the decontamination of the third power generating unit of the Chernobyl atomic power station in June and July of 1986, their radiation doses being from 205,0±10,0 to 242,0±5,6 mGy. The body burden structure of the «liquidators» participated in the elimination in 1986 consisted of exposure radiation dose of external gamma irradiation (86 %), external beta irradiation (10 %) and internal irradiation caused by inhaling radionuclides (4 %). It was established that body burden was influenced by the following factors: the level of air and area radioactive contamination, duration of work in the contaminated areas, the nature of work being performed and personal protective equipment efficacy.


Chernobyl disaster, radionuclides, volumetric activity, participants in the elimination of consequences ("liquidators"), the nature of work being performed, содержание в организме 137cs, 137cs content in organism, radiation dose structure, entering organism, radiation doses


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IDR: 170169966

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