VI international scientific conference " Russian culture in archaeological research: new contributions to the development of a scientific direction (to the anniversary of the city of Yeniseisk)

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The results of the VI International scientific conference, which was held in November, 2017 in the city of Yeniseysk and was dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the city, are presented in the paper. The forum hosted meetings arranged in seven sections (workshops), where the results of the archaeological study of Yeniseysk were analyzed, new methodological developments in the study of Russian culture were proposed, reconstruction of cultural heritage and measures for its protection were discussed. The work of the section on anthropology and genetics of the Russian population was of particular scientific importance. At the steel section, researchers presented achievements in the study of Russian culture and its influence on the world of archaeology. Materials used for the life support systems of the Russian population were described and analyzed. New results were obtained in the study of urban culture, written sources and ethnography. The conference made a significant contribution to the development of scientific directions in Russian archaeology.


Yenyseisk, new age, archaeology of russian culture, international conference, interdisciplinary research

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ID: 147220374
