Species diversity and hardiness of woody plants under urban conditions of Yakutsk

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During the course of Yakutsk green plantings study, the arboreous and fruticous species composition was analyzed. The main part consisted of local plant species (33 taxa), making up 90% of the total tree and shrub forming the urban greenery. Tree status assessment showed that only 34% of the trees and shrubs were in a good vital condition. Weaken trees dominated in forest stands older than 25 years. The highest percentage of mortality was observed among the plantings under the age of 15 years. The data on the occurrence, taxonomy, life form and origin of the studied material are given for 78 experimental plots. Phenological development of plants in urban conditions, annual increment of shoots, ability to self-reproduction were studied as well. Based on the achieved data, the recommendations on foundation of an up-to-date promising planting material nursery were given.


Urban environment, tree plantations, variety of species, occurrence, life condition, phenology, sustainability, self-seeding

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148314047

IDR: 148314047

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