The types of edge modification traces in Paleolithic complexes of the Central Asia

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To study lithic collections it is very important for researcher to realize that not all of edge modification traces on artifact could be a result of human intentional activity directed on manufacturing of working tools. Understanding of technological sequence of operations with stone raw material and reconstruction of certain ways of life-support of ancient persons are possible only at complex studying of all features of artifacts, including the analysis of the specific kinds of edge destruction. The given work is devoted to definition of different types of edge modification traces, which can be recorded in Paleolithic complexes of the Central Asia (deliberate, functional, a retouch of trampling and taphonomic retouch), to definition of the basic approaches to the analysis of each of them, and also demonstration of a role of them on the basis of the analysis of the certain industries of the Central Asia.


Uzbekistan, blank destruction, trampling retouch, utilization retouch, taphonomic retouch

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IDR: 14737492

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