Virtual museum "By the paths of A.T. Tvardovsky" as an ethnographical scientific and informational resource created by the Smolensk regional universal scientific library named after A. T. Tvardovsky

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The article summarizes the results of the project-the winner of the Smolensk Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A. T. Tvardovsky «Virtual Museum «By the Roads of A. T. Tvardovsky» in the grant competition of the President of the Russian Federation. The created local history research and information product is aimed at familiarizing various segments of the population with historical, literary and cultural values; ensuring that the unique heritage of A. T. Tvardovsky is accessible to society on a common virtual platform; the association of all geographical and literary places of the Smolensk region and Russia associated with the name and work of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. Various forms of popularization of the poet's literary heritage are presented: conferences, round tables, interviews on the TV Channel Region 67. The system of information and communication technologies for the preservation of documents about the life and work of A. T. Tvardovsky is analyzed.


Virtual museum

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IDR: 144162252

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