Contribution of sponge cities construction to urban ecosystem services

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In the context of accelerated urbanization and the deteriorating state of ecosystem services, cities face the need to adapt to climate change and environmental challenges. In this regard, the concept of sponge cities offers an innovative solution aimed at reducing flood risks and improving ecosystem services through the implementation of infrastructure solutions that allow the retention and filtration of rainwater. The purpose of this study is to analyze the contribution of sponge cities to improving ecosystem services. The study examines the theoretical foundations of sponge cities, their design principles, and analyzes successful projects in China, the Netherlands, and the United States. The research methodology includes a review of scientific literature and reports, as well as a comparative analysis of best practices in urban planning. The scientific novelty of this work lies in a comprehensive approach to assessing the ecological and social effects of sponge city implementation. The study reveals that sponge cities positively impact ecosystem services, such as water resource management, air quality improvement, and biodiversity conservation. Further research may focus on assessing the long-term economic benefits and the impact of sponge cities on public health.


Sponge city, ecosystem services, urbanization, water resource management, sustainable development, climate change

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140307533

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