The influence of anthropogenic load on the occurrence of pathogenic fungi in specially protected natural territories

Автор: Avdeev Yu.M., Khamitova S.M., Kostin A.E., Korchagov S.A., Mokretsov Yu.V.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 11, 2017 года.

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Anthropogenic pressure negatively influences the elements of phytocoenosis, such as grass cov-er, forest stand and undergrowth. From ecological and phytopathologic position the research of an-thropogenic press intensity impact on the defeat of trees causative agents of the diseases worsening their sanitary and vital parameters is one of the main objectives having important practical value. The research objective was studying the occur-rence of phytopathogenic mushrooms in the Mi-khaltsevskaya grove of Vologda and the definition of prevalence degree of trees depending on recrea-tional loading. The influence of anthropogenic load-ings was defined according to the stage of recrea-tional digression. Pine and fir-tree planting was in Mikhaltsevskaya grove of Vologda having various stages of recreational digression (from 1 to 3). At the inspection of wood trunks different types of phy-topathogenic mushrooms were found. Revealed species of phytopathogenic mushrooms were the most important causative agents of wood plants diseases, stimulating the emergence of rot in the trunk and roots, damage and needles dying off, the decrease in decorative properties of trees and wood quality, in general they worsen general sani-tary condition of planting. At the increase in the in-tensity of recreational loading distribution of Phaeo-lus schweinitzii, tinder fungus of bordered, pine sponge, fir-tree tinder fungus increases. The in-crease in the percent of the trees infected with fun-gi leads to the decreasing in the indicators of their vital state and phytocoenosis stability in general and in long term, to the growth of the quantity of windfall trees and windbreak therefore the damage of healthy species of pine and fir-tree which in the absence of necessary treatment may lose decora-tive effect and esthetic value. Received results can be used in the organization of phytosanitary moni-toring in recreational facilities.


Nature monument, anthropogenous loading, a recrea-tion, urbanized environment

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IDR: 140224172

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