The influence of motor transport on the content of ascorbic acid in the needles of pine ordinary (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the conditions of Krasnoyarsk

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The existence in needles of valuable biologi-cally active agents and possibility of receiving from it cheap medical preparations, natural products for perfumery and cosmetic production, feed and the food vitaminized additives creates prerequisites for its complex processing. Studying of food, medicinal and fodder plants of natural flora, their regional fea-tures of chemical composition and nutritional value, and also the influence of factors of environment on the content of biologically active agents is an actual task. The researches were conducted in rather pure residential district of Krasnoyarsk in Akadem-gorodok. As object of the research cultural planta-tions of pine ordinary 57-years of age, put by ranks along the highway, and also on some removal from it served. In the study mathematical methods for the purpose of receiving reliable results were used. More than two selections by one-factorial disper-sive analysis to comparison were applied. The find-ings of the study revealed the dependence of ascorbic acid content in the needles of common pines from the highway closeness. In the study, it has been suggested that the North side of the road experiences greater negative impact of vehicles than the South side. This is due to the peculiarities of the circulation of air flows (south-western wind rose) and the accumulation of harmful substances (road transport emissions) on the north side of the road. The study results clearly confirm the negative impact of transport on the vitamin C content in the needles of common pines in view of the wind rose. Wood pulp of common pine which is a waste prod-uct of the timber industry can serve as a cheap and readily available source of vitamin C. But harmful influence of motor transport must be taken into ac-count.


Common pine, ascorbic acid, vitamin c, biologically active substances, motor transport, quantity contents

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IDR: 140224198

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