Impact of digital transformation on the life of Russian population

Автор: Kabanova E.E.

Журнал: Народонаселение @narodonaselenie

Рубрика: Условия и качество жизни населения

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.27, 2024 года.

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In the modern world, following the latest technological trends determines competitiveness of the economy in the domestic and foreign markets. Timely introduction of the most advanced innovative methods at all levels-in production, communications, logistics, management-is the main factor in increasing efficiency. And digital technologies are indispensable in building a competitive economy, both at the regional and state levels. Analysis of data from Rosstat and the Higher School of Economics in the present study has led to the conclusion that currently in Russia there is an acceleration of digital transformation processes, including at the regional scale. The pandemic restrictions of 2020-2021 have had a positive impact on the spread of digitalization tools and skills in the domestic economy. However, it should be noted that the corporate and government wish to maximize the use of digital tools and improve the quality and convenience of their use has a much longer history. And the restrictions have only accelerated the process of digital transformation in the country that started long ago. One of the negative factors of these processes is, on the one hand, the hypertrophied concentration of expenses for the introduction of digital technologies in Moscow, and, on the other hand, the currently very insufficient share of domestic equipment and software used. This creates high sanctions risks for a further movement towards building digital economy in the country. The methodological basis for the current work is mathematical and statistical methods, analysis, synthesis, as well as graphical and tabular methods of presenting data. The main sources of research are indicators of the digital economy provided by the Higher School of Economics as well as statistical data from Rosstat, including those in the regional context.


Population, differentiation of regions, digitalization, e-commerce, regions of Russia, trends, electronic public services, sanctions, pandemic

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 143182273   |   DOI: 10.24412/1561-7785-2024-1-48-59

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