The influence of the phenomenon of self-actualization of personality on the occurrence of burnout syndrome

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The article examines the phenomenon of personal self-actualization, which represents self-improvement as the highest human need, which allows avoiding the threat of incorrect choices in one's safety, self-identification and in the search for the meaning of life, which reduces and minimizes the possibility of emotional burnout. A. Maslow's eight ways of self-actualization (experience, choice, "self", responsibility, the voice of the soul, striving for the best, peak experiences, self-knowledge) allow us to determine the ways in which the phenomenon of personal self-actualization affects the emotional burnout syndrome.

Self-actualization, emotional burnout syndrome, choice, experiences, self-knowledge

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IDR: 170203820   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-2-90-93

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