Influence of the shape of the footprint on the efficiency of the earth observation by the spacecraft of radar work

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Remote sensing is one of the priority directions of development of Russian cosmonautics. Nowadays, significant development of spacecraft radar is essential. Traditionally, remote sensing spacecraft radar of the Earth observation uses unilateral or bilateral lateral review (electric antenna axis is inclined from the direction of the nadir) in synthetic aperture mode. Radar images are obtained by the method of active shooting. The effectiveness of the use of space systems for remote sensing of the Earth is estimated, including the resolution and frequency of observation. Increase the frequency of the review may be by increasing the number of satellites in the orbital grouping, increasing the width of the span or changing the instantaneous field of view. To increase the efficiency of the use of space systems for remote sensing of the Earth are invited to use the radar system with all-round visibility. When using circular viewing angles while maintaining supervision at which operates radar system, the instantaneous field of view takes the form of a ring with the center in the sub-satellite point. To compare the effectiveness of using remote sensing spacecraft radar observations of the Earth with various forms of instantaneous field of view, computing coverage ratio were produced (the proportion of the Earth’s surface, which viewed by spacecraft) for a different number of turns, and the resulted comparative analysis of time sufficient examination given latitude belt. Calculations were performed using the simulation of the spacecraft flight, which takes into account the dimensions and shape of the instantaneous field of view, its position relative to the track of the spacecraft flight, spacecraft flight is modeled taking into account the disturbing forces. The results of calculations indicate that the frequency and, consequently, the efficiency of viewing the Earth’s surface is significantly affected by the instantaneous field of view. In order to improve the use of space systems for remote sensing radar of the Earth observation it is advisable to consider the establishment of an onboard radar system of the circular view.


Earth remote sensing, side view, target equipment, on-board radar system, circular review

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IDR: 148177668

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