The influence of chemical melioration on physical and chemical properties of the soil by introduction of ash waste

Автор: Grebenshchikova E.A., Yust N.A., Pykhteeva M.A.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 6, 2016 года.

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Now the use of secondary raw materials, in-cluding local ash waste in agriculture as amelio-rants and fertilizers is actual. The advantage of ash waste, unlike mineral fertilizers, is in lower prime cost that allows lowering expenses and increasing efficiency. The work purpose was to give an as-sessment to changes of meadow chernozyom properties and brown forest soils at introduction of various doses of ash waste as an ameliorant. Re-searches on introduction of ash waste of two groups of experiment were presented. Observa-tions were made in the conditions of the southern zone of the Amur region. In the article changes of physical and chemical properties of soils under the influence of introduction of ash waste were consid-ered, the basic principles of functioning of the soil were studied. Practical importance of the held events was defined. The content of mobile phos-phorus increased by 33-67% in comparison with control in options with introduction of ash waste. The greatest increase noted in the fourth option was 80 t/hectare. Introduction of ash waste raised the content of exchange potassium in the soil for 4-8 % in comparison with control. The porosity of the soil at introduction of its dose equal to 80 t/hectare was for 5.6%. In the conditions of the southern zone of the Amur region for improvement agro-chemical and water physical properties of soils it was recommended to bring as an ameliorant ash waste in the dose of 60 t/hectare. Before introduc-tion ash waste it had to be investigated on the con-tents of chemical elements, including heavy metals. Ash waste influence remains within three years.


Physical and chemical properties, accumulation, doses of ash waste, soil fertility

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084715

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