The electric field intensity influence on water cleaning from metal ions at the interphase boundary

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In the manufacture an aircraft parts electroplating processes are used which result in the contamination of wastewater metal ions. Currently there is a large number of water and aqueous solutions purification methods - mechanical, chemical, electrical, physical, biological, combined method, etc. For example, for water purification from iron defending from copper, nickel, chromium (VI) is used effectively. Also electro-coagulation, ion exchange technology, biological treatment, etc are widely used. Waste water of electroplating industry contains a collection of different metal ions at concentrations of 0.5 mg/l or less. Research on integrated water purification from metal ions under these conditions is not enough. The article presents the results of experimental studies of water cleaning from metal ions using two different methods - electrochemical and electrochemical air bubbling. Electrochemical effect was to purify water passing through the asymmetric alternating current using insoluble heterogeneous electrodes (stainless steel 12X18H10T, titanium alloy ОТ 4-0). The treated water bubbling used air which has passed through purified water. The highest efficiency of water cleaning is achieved by electrochemical method with air bubbling due to the uneven distribution of the electric field intensity at the interphase boundary. This method increases water cleaning efficiency: from cadmium ions in 2.9 times, copper - 1.1, nickel - 5, chromium - 1.2, and iron - 1.1. Specific power consumption makes up 1.8 (kW∙h)/m 3 while electrochemical cleaning method with the insoluble electrodes and alternating current the specific power consumption is 3.5-4 (kW∙h)/m 3.


Water, electrochemical treatment, air bubbling, intensity, ac current

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IDR: 148177483

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