Analysis of influence of illumination and duration of daylight hours on productive qualities of seedling of a tomato

Автор: Kukotin Grigory Valerievich, Ponomareva Natalia Evdokimovna, Gracheva Natalia Nikolaevna

Журнал: Агротехника и энергообеспечение @agrotech-orel

Рубрика: Энерго- и ресурсосбережение

Статья в выпуске: 4 (21), 2018 года.

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According to the Ministry of Agriculture following the results of work in 2017 the deficiency of production of vegetables in the conditions of the protected soil was 816.1 thousand tons, security with tomatoes makes 56.3% [1]. One of ways of reduction of deficiency consists in increase in efficiency of plants. The efficiency of plants is affected by a set of factors including the illumination level and duration of daylight hours. Depending on illumination, the structural organization of chloroplasts, their chemical composition and relationship with other functional structures of a check changes [2]. Photoperiod duration has the specific impact on a plant. In that case, when in the greenhouse reasonable parameters systems of lighting, which level determines by a type and a stage of development of a plant are supported, the plant capable to completely provide the growth function and reproductive processes coded in a genome is formed. The analysis of materials of the researches connected with establishment of interrelation between phenological indicators and parameters of the system of lighting revealed disagreements concerning rational illumination levels at cultivation of seedling of tomatoes. Therefore works in this direction continue to be relevant.


Parameters of system of lighting, illumination, duration of daylight hours, seedling of a tomato, greenhouse

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IDR: 147230931

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