The influence of the obstacle course on the development of physical qualities of police officers

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The article discusses the improvement of the training process management system based on the objectification of knowledge about the structure of competitive activity and preparedness, taking into account both the general patterns of the formation of sportsmanship in a particular sport, and the individual capabilities of athletes. It provides orientation to group and individual model characteristics of competitive activity and readiness, appropriate system of selection and planning of means of pedagogical influence, control and correction of the training process. The analysis shows that this direction, based on the capabilities of modern diagnostic and computer technology, is currently one of the main reserves for improving the system of sports training, as it allows you to create the necessary conditions for the rational management of the athlete's state and the flow of adaptive changes that ensure that the level of preparedness is in line with the planned the structure of competitive activity and the given sports result. Particular attention is paid to the physical education of employees, the development of useful qualities in the systematic exercise of sports. This article also highlights the main types of motives that stimulate cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, police officers to regularly attend physical education classes and perform exercises in a quality manner. The authors of some publications focus on reducing the physical activity of employees, which is a deteriorating factor in everyone's life and which certainly undermines the health and strength of employees, in order to combat such negative factors, conditions are being developed and created for the development of physical culture and sports in the divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


Sports, physical culture, physical culture motor activity, healthy lifestyle, motivation for physical activity

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IDR: 142241117

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