The influence of the aftereffect of growth regulators and biologicals on sowing seed qualities of barley

Автор: Pavlovskaya N.E., Timakov A.G., Yakovleva I.V., Ageeva N.Yu.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 2 (77), 2019 года.

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The article discusses the results obtained in the study of the aftereffect of the growth regulator Vigor Forte and biological product created in the Orel SAU on the basis of bioflavonoids of buckwheat, magnesium salts and salicylic acid (patent № 2463759). Vigor Forte is a plant growth regulator that optimally combines a synthetic analogue of the growth phytohormone (auxin) and a corrective complex of NPK and trace elements. In case of long-term exposure to adverse factors, it is used separately for emergency elimination of the effects of stress. The biological product is effective on legumes, wheat, potatoes and vegetables, enhances the immune properties of plants, promotes an increase in yield by 15-18% depending on the conditions of the year. It is most preferable under adverse conditions. There are works showing that pre-sowing seed treatment, and further spraying on the vegetation of plants gives a positive effect, reducing the impact of chemical disinfectants and herbicides, providing an immunomodulatory effect, increasing stress resistance. But there are very few works showing the aftereffect of treatment on the growth and development of plants thereafter. The authors of the article found out that the seeds of spring barley Raushan, obtained after double leaves treatment of seeds and plants, have increased vigor of germination and germination, positively differ from the control sprouts by the length of the root and shoots, increasing the mass of sprouts. Thus, the experimental seeds have a higher germination energy and germination compared to the control 60-80%. 2-week experimental barley plants have a more developed root system and green mass. Vigor Forte growth regulator and especially the Biological product had a water-retaining effect on the seeds compared to the control variant. Under the influence of agents, the mass of 1000 seeds increases by 10-12% due to including a higher moisture content. Perhaps this is due to the earlier interruption of rest of barley seeds under the influence of the stimulating action of agents.


Spring barley, aftereffect of growth regulators and biological product, sowing qualities of seeds

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147230643   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2019.2.24

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