Influence of pre-sowing treatment of seeds and leaf feeding on lentil yield and its structural elements

Автор: Yatchuk P.V., Zubareva K.Yu., Rasulova V.A.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 6 (87), 2020 года.

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The article presents the results of research in the field experience of 2019-2020, the purpose of which was to develop elements of the technology for the cultivation of lentils of promising varieties Orlovskaya Krasnozernaya and Svetlaya by identifying the optimal combination of complex pre-sowing seed treatment with the amount of foliar feeding of vegetative plants in different phases of growth and development. Positive results were obtained from the use of multicomponent micronutrient fertilizers Biostim Maslichnyi [Biostim Oilseed] and Intermag Profi Struchkovye i Bobovye [Intermag Profi Pods and Legumes] against the background of a complex pre-sowing treatment of seeds, containing preliminary treatment with the fungicide Scarlet in conjunction with the amino acid biostimulator Biostim Start and microbiological inoculation of Rizoform Peas on the day of sowing. The yield increase in the variant with two foliar (outside root) dressings for the growing season of plants in the phases of branching and budding against the background of complex pre-sowing seed treatment was 4.6 c / ha (21.4%) for the Svetlaya variety, 2.9 for the Orlovskaya Krasnozernaya variety. c / ha (13.6%). The analysis of the indicators of the constituent components of the yield of lentil seeds showed that the increase in the yield of lentil seeds was due to an increase in the number of beans per plant and, accordingly, the number of seeds per plant. The maximum additional profit per hectare in the experimental version with two foliar dressings is 37,700-55,200 rubles, depending on the variety. Use of preparations for pre-sowing treatment of seeds and foliar fertilization of lentil plants makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the used micronutrient fertilizers, improve the mineral nutrition of the crop and obtain significant increases in the yield of the final product.


Lentils, structural analysis, foliar feeding, seed inoculation, yield

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IDR: 147228895   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2020.6.55

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