The impact of the muhajir problem on the historical memory of Russian society
Автор: Lofichenko Olga P.
Журнал: Общество: политика, экономика, право @society-pel
Рубрика: Политика
Статья в выпуске: 12, 2024 года.
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Currently, against the background of the desire of individual political actors to falsify history, the study of the phenomenon of historical memory in the political dimension is of particular importance. The article analyzes muhajirism as a factor of historical memory influencing the current state of Russian society. The features of the reflection of the problem of muhajirism in the scientific literature of various historical periods are considered. A content analysis of social network materials (platforms) was conducted, aimed at identifying the attitude of Russian-speaking users to the problem of muhajirism. The main categories of comments reflecting user reactions to the topic of the resettlement of the highlanders are identified. The content analysis showed that the problem of muhajirism fuels nationalistic sentiments of certain categories of citizens, therefore, it can be used as an instrument of pressure on Russian society in order to disunite it. It is noted that there is a demand in society for reliable and accessible information on the topic of muhajirism, in connection with which such studies are of particular relevance.
Muhajirism, historical memory, resettlement of highlanders, north caucasus, emigration, public opinion, content analysis, domestic policy
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IDR: 149147026 | DOI: 10.24158/pep.2024.12.7