Influence of basic tillage systems on agrophysical indicators of leached chernozem of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe

Автор: Polosina Valentina Anatolyevna, Ivchenko Vladimir Kuzmich, Vasiliev Alexander Alexandrovich, Lugantseva Maria Vladimirovna

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2023 года.

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The purpose of the study is to determine the degree of influence of various systems of basic tillage on the structure of the arable layer, density and hardness of the leached chernozem of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. Field experiments were carried out at the Minderlinskoye educational farm of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University. The territory of the economy belongs to the closed part of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. The soil of the experimental plot is leached chernozem with a heavy loamy granulometric composition. The studies were carried out in a five-field crop rotation: green manure fallow - spring wheat - barley - corn - spring wheat. The scheme of the experiment included a variant with 20-22 cm plowing and no main tillage. In general, the state of general porosity in the studied variants of the main tillage can be characterized as excellent (55-65 %) in accordance with the scale of N.A. Kachinsky. A stronger influence of the predecessor on the change in this indicator was noted compared to tillage. The soil of spring wheat crops after green manure fallow with plowing and corn crops of the variant without tillage was characterized by the best ratio of non-capillary and capillary porosity. The results of the study show that both in 2017 and 2020, the soil under the crops of the second grain crop (barley) was characterrized by an increased value of capillary porosity and reduced non-capillary porosity compared to the crops of spring wheat and corn. In the variant without tillage, no noticeable increase in the bulk density was found compared to the variant of moldboard tillage. The refusal to carry out tillage did not lead to a significant deterioration in the parameters of the structure of the arable layer, the density of addition and the hardness of the leached chernozem of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe.


Leached chernozem, moldboard tillage, without carrying out the main tillage, structure of thearable layer, bulk density, soil hardness

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140299707   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2023-3-72-79

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