The impact of nutrient medium under microclonal reproduction of potato varieties and hybrids

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Aim of the research is the improvement of technological process of healthy new potato varieties and hybrids on the basis of content modification of nutritious habitat content in crop in vitro. The object of the research are healthy micro plants of early ripe varieties Alena, Zhukovsky early and hybrids, obtained in selection laboratory of Siberian NIISH 133-02 and 91-08. Green micro plants with typical variety indications and etiolated seedlings from potato tuber eyes grown in sterile sand with subsequent heat treatment under 370С are used in the capacity of grafter. The process of potato regeneration from meristem in nutritious habitats distinguished according to sucrose content and growth regulator is studied. Standard habitat Murasige-Skuga in the method of NIIKH named by Lorkh is also used for controlling. Analyses of the results determined the trustworthiness of differences due to studied indications both between different genotypes and between different sucrose concentrations in nutritious habitat. Genotype maximum influenced on variability of plant length. Nutritious habitat content was less considerable but specific tendency of increasing of plant length and quantity of internodes during increasing of sucrose concentration is observed. Analyses of harvesting structure of greenhouse mini- tubers show that among the quantity of tubers the most productive were hybrids plants 133-02 and 91-08 and as for mass of tubers were sorts Alena and Zhukovsky early. The influence of nutritious habitat content on the growth and development of varieties explants and potato hybrids are determined on the base of experimental result. It is established that original habitat of NIIKH named by Lorkh has optimal content for different varieties and it is recommended to use nutritious habitat with increased sucrose concentration for hybrids.


Potato, varieties, hybrid, культура in vitro, crop in vitro, micro plant, sucrose, nutritious habitat

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142213486

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