Influence spirit bards on agrochemical properties of soils and seong ritnyak's productivity in Northern Kazakhstan

Автор: Shilova Ksenia Mikhaylovna, Ermohin Yurij Ivanovich, Shilova Nadezhda Ivanovna

Журнал: Вестник Омского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-omgau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 (23), 2016 года.

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In article influence spirit bards on agrochemical properties of soils is considered. Dynamics of reaction of the environment is given in a layer of 0-20 cm on the southern chernozem and on solonetz small depending on the brought doses spirit bards. Along with the reclaiming action, the bard possesses one more very important property - it is a source to the soil of nutritious. In this regard influence of various doses bards on productivity of the agropyron is considered. Considering that spirit the bard is a new nonconventional type of fertilizer, in scientific literature there aren't enough data on its influence on agrochemical properties of soils. However bards on a number of soil parameters, in particular on the nutritious mode allow to judge the available data positive action. Spirit the bard is environmentally friendly fertilizer and in comparison with manure as doesn't contain the invasive beginnings and seeds of weeds. Besides concentration of salts of heavy metals in it is much lower. At the same time the bard in the content of the general nitrogen is surpassed by 5-7 times covering and at 25-30 times by coveringless manure that points to its fertilizer character. Grain spirit the bard on the chemical composition isn't ecologically dangerous fertilizer. It contains various valuable organic substances of a natural origin, a big range macro- and microcells and can be perspective organic fertilizer, a growth factor of plants and a source of increase of a contents of microorganisms in the soil.


Acidity, buffer system, chernozem southern, solonetz small, agropyron, organic substance, ni- trification processes

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IDR: 142199263

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