Influence of methods of treatment on barbaris vulgaris seeds germination in conditions of Omsk region

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Determined the ability of barberry seeds, which were matured in Omsk region, to germinate. According to research the viability of seeds is 86%, laboratory germination - 6%. Impact of variable temperatures using “Gradient table” increases germination to 60%. According to our observations barberry seeds germinate in a wide temperature range with high amplitude (till 14,4°C) and have germination 20-60%. When we have the constant temperature in the range of 18,5-20,1°C (range 0°C) germination reaches 40%. Maximum germination of barberry seeds was noted in the range of varying temperatures 12,1-23,3°C. The most effective temperature regime was established: 12,1-21,7, 15,3-23,3 and 18,5-21,7°C. The best results were marked with the amplitude of 8-9,6°C, about 60% seeds germinate.


Berberis vulgaris, seeds, stratification, scarification, germination ability, temperature conditions

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IDR: 142199405

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