Substrate influence on taking root of juniperus sabina green cuttings in the conditions of south forest-steppe of the Omsk region

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The application of different substrates during growing of Juniperus sabina stick young plants in conditions of imitation fog have been described. Experiments have been realized in 20112012 years. Meteorological conditions had an influence on apical growth of parental plants. There was an decrease in the rainfall in 2012 year in comparison with 2011 year. The dryness had been affecting upon quality of green cuttings. Green cuttings gave callus formation on the 10 days into substrate vermiculite + peat + sand. Green cuttings gave root formation on the 15 days into two vermiculite containing substrates. That substrates had been heating quickly, had got cold slowly. Very high percent of taking root was into peat + sand substrate and very high death-rate of annual plants was into same substrate. Sand keep neither water nor nutritious. Many of annual plants perished from the frost into peat + sand substrate. Sand substrate is poor for most horticultural crops. It is necessary add to organic materials into sand for ornamental plants. The yield of annual plants was higher into vermiculite containing substrates. Positively vermiculite affected on safety, growth and development of the standard two-year plants have been shown.


Substrate, imitation fog, callus formation, root formation, the yield of annual plants, the output of the two-year plants

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142199330

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