Influence of the thermal hysteresis of the incubator on operating life of the electromagnetic control relay of the tubular electric heater

Автор: Lipa Oksana Alexandrovna, Andrianov Evgeniy Alexandrovich, Andrianov Aleksey Alexandrovich, Skuratov Nikolai Igorevich, Sudakov Alexander Nikolaevich, Lipa Dmitry Alekseevich

Журнал: Агротехника и энергообеспечение @agrotech-orel

Рубрика: Электротехнологии, электрооборудование и энергоснабжение агропромышленного комплекса

Статья в выпуске: 4 (37), 2022 года.

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Electromagnetic relays for controlling the TEH of incubators for eggs of birds are among the most critical components. Limited relay resource is the most common cause of incubator breakdowns. The purpose of the study is to search for ways to increase the duration of the relay's trouble-free operation by changing the temperature regimes of incubation in the absence of a negative impact on zootechnical indicators of egg incubation. The study was conducted in 2022 at the hatchery of the Moscow Zoo. As a result of the study, it was found that the expansion of the boundaries of the temperature regime of incubation, while maintaining the average temperature, makes it possible to reduce the number of switching of electromagnetic relays for controlling the TEH of incubators and, as a result, extend their service life. With a relay resource of 1x105 cycles, the service life at a preset temperature regime of 37.7-37.8ºС is 1.2 years and can be increased to 3.6 years with a preset range of 37.0-38.5 ºС.


Electromagnetic relay, incubator teh, incubation temperature regime

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