Influence of motor transport emissions on microflora of permafrost meadow-chernozem soils in Yakutsk city

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In the permafrost meadow-chernozem soil of transport zone “Airport Yakutsk” as a result of dispersion the exhaust gases the heavy metals Pb, Zn and Cu are collected. Priority pollutant is Pb, which total contents reaches 3 maximum concentration limits. The zone of pollution extends on 50 m from a source. Soil microorganisms actively react to pollution: the absolute and relative number of bacteria presented probably by forms, steady against heavy metals, increases. In microbic complex the relative share of actinomycetes decreases. Bacteria Azotobacter adapt for pollution, accumulating the melanin pigment.

Heavy metals, bacteria, microscopic fungus, actinomycetes, азотфиксирующие бактерии azotobacter, nitrogen fixing bacteria azotobacter

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148201896

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