Military aviation in the Southern Urals during the Russian civil war (1918-1920): a historiographical overview

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This article is devoted to the characteristics of the Russian historiographical study of the activities of Russian military aviation during the Russian civil war of 1918-1920. The emphasis is on the Southern Ural area, which, with its industrial potential, was of great interest to the warring parties.The actions of military aviation during the Russian civil war are presented in Russian historiography by a rather narrow circle of historians, who did not set out to show the history of the study of this problem. This article is the first attempt to assess the degree of knowledge of the history of military aviation operations in the Southern Urals. Working with the sources it was possible reveal the problems associated with the organizational and staff structure of aviation units (mainly the white army), logistical aircraft and weapons, the shortage of qualified flight personnel, the combat use of aviation in the climatic conditions of the Southern Urals.This article can be used for students of aviation military educational institutions, as well as for a wide range of researchers.


Civil war, military aviation, red army, white army, southern urals

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IDR: 147243241   |   DOI: 10.14529/ssh240202

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