Military cooperation between Indonesia and the Soviet Union in the defense of West Irian through operation Trikora

Автор: Kalembang J.V., Kalembang E.

Журнал: Форум молодых ученых @forum-nauka

Статья в выпуске: 3 (91), 2024 года.

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Purpose: The selected topic "Indonesia-Soviet Military Cooperation in the Defense of West Irian through Operation Trikora 1961-1963" is a discussion of the study of relations between Indonesia and the Soviet Union in the military field, including the procurement of defense equipment for the war. Political support, military equipment and updating of military equipment. A separate chapter is devoted to the history and the beginning of cooperation between the Soviet Union and Indonesia and consists of three subsections: the conflict between Indonesia and the Netherlands after Indonesia gained independence, diplomatic efforts by Indonesia to maintain possession of West Irian, military assistance from the Soviet Union. Alliance with Indonesia in the course of the struggle for the defense of West Irian. Each chapter is divided by time and year. This article is also backed by historical evidence in the form of government archives and supported by scientific research.


Soviet union, indonesia, international relations, military cooperation

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IDR: 140304567

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