Issues of ensuring environmental safety of the urban environment based on a resource-saving model of repair and construction works

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The relevance of the study is caused by unresolved problems of preventing the negative impact of production and consumption waste generated in the process of life support of settlements. According to the authors, the most promising area for the study of such a life-threatening technosphere object as waste is the sphere of construction and urban management and its most important sector - construction, reconstruction, repair, renovation of real estate. During the study, it was found that the waste of repair and construction production, most of its mass, which are low-hazard and practically harmless to the environment, serve as a source of various types of valuable secondary raw materials. This raw material can be used in the production of a wide range of construction and other products, the production of works for various purposes, as sources of alternative energy sources. The purpose of this study was to form the configuration of a resource-saving model of repair and construction works as a mechanism for ensuring the environmental safety of the urban environment, preventing natural emergencies, their adverse consequences for the life of the population, the sustainable functioning of economic facilities, conservation and protection of the natural environment and natural resources. The scientific approach proposed in the work is aimed at obtaining two important scientific and practical results: preventing the negative impact of waste on the environment at the source of their formation: the processes of repair and construction work and, at the same time, the technological transformation of useful resource components of waste into secondary material and energy resources. This ensures the second important result: the preservation of the country’s natural resources by replacing them with secondary raw materials and alternative energy sources. The research is applied in nature, its results can be used in the implementation of measures for the transition of the construction and urban management system to a resource-saving technological way of environmentally safe life support for settlements.


Environmental safety, construction and repair, waste, monitoring, secondary raw materials, resource conservation, emergencies, urban environment, vital activity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328546   |   DOI: 10.37313/1990-5378-2024-26-1-172-180

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