Possibilities deanonymization of persons committing fraud using spoofing attacks

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The modern stage of society’s development is carried out in the conditions of universal digitalization. A new type of environment - information and telecommunications has a significant impact on most spheres of life of Russian society. Such an active development of it provoked various social changes. Crime as a socio-legal phenomenon has also undergone transformation. Currently, more and more ordinary crimes are committed using modern information technologies, which is clearly demonstrated in the article. Modern methods of such crimes have determined the need for the development, including forensic science, in terms of developing modern tools for search and cognitive activity aimed at combating computer crimes. The article analyzes some issues of the formation of a new forensic theory of information and computer support of law enforcement activities. In addition, using the example of frauds committed with the use of spoofing attacks, the possibilities of detecting traces of a crime in order to deanonymize the perpetrators are demonstrated.


Computer crimes, information and telecommunication technologies, method, theories of information and computer support of law enforcement, fraud, spoofing attack

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143178229

IDR: 143178229   |   DOI: 10.24412/2587-9820-2021-4-106-118

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