Assessment of dynamic states of railway vehicles: structural mathematical modeling

Автор: Bolshakov R.S., Gozbenko V.E., Vuong Q.T.

Журнал: Вестник Донского государственного технического университета @vestnik-donstu

Рубрика: Механика

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.24, 2024 года.

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Introduction. The speed rise of railway transport and an increase in the loads on the axles of wheelsets necessitate the modernization of the existing fleet. Scientific studies in the field of rolling stock dynamics are aimed at taking into account the oscillatory processes that occur during the movement of railway vehicles in a traditional design. The attachment of supplementary elements was considered at the coupling level of two cars and the attachment of a third trolley in the center of gravity of the railway platform. The scientific literature has not paid enough attention to the construction of mathematical models that make it possible to assess the dynamic states of such constructive solutions. The objective of this study is to create a method for evaluating the dynamic conditions of a car. The situation is considered when an additional set of mass-inertial and elastic elements is introduced into its structure, and the general dynamic condition of the vehicle depends on the adjustment of their parameters.Materials and Methods. The basic research tool is the structural mathematical modeling, which is based on an approach where the source design scheme is a mechanical oscillatory system in the form of a solid body on elastic supports with supplementary typical elements introduced into its structure. The dynamic analogue of the calculation scheme used is the block diagram of the automatic control system, the use of which provides detailing the connections between typical elastic and mass-inertia elements.Results. A method for estimating the dynamic states of railway vehicles is proposed. It is based on the construction of mathematical models, taking into account the introduction of an additional structure of mass-inertia and elastic elements. The impact of additional parameters on the dynamic condition of the vehicle is investigated. Analytical relations have been obtained that provide reducing the dynamic loads on the major structural elastic elements when changing the corresponding parameters of a technical object. The transfer function of interpartial relations is given, which provides controlling the interaction between the coordinates of the vehicle movement under the action of two kinematic disturbances of the in-phase type.Discussion and Conclusion. The generated mathematical model provides for assessment, monitoring and control of the dynamic state of the vehicle under conditions of kinematic disturbances. The research results can be used to modernize existing vehicles and create new ones with improved dynamics.


Vehicle dynamics, dynamic condition, structural mathematical modeling, block diagram

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142241584   |   DOI: 10.23947/2687-1653-2024-24-2-125-134

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