The possibility of constructing a radio communication using orbital reflectors and magnetic antennas polarization rotating

Автор: Testoedov N.A., Dvirnyi V.V., Krushenko G.G., Dvirnyi G.V.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Математика, механика, информатика

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.16, 2015 года.

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The use of space for traditional Amateur radio applications is possible using relatively cheap only briefly long microsatellites, which are displayed on a low orbit of the space station crew. The radio can be built on the basis of reflectors and frequency-independent small magnetic antenna with circular polarization, which must fulfill a special function: to associate radiated into space electromagnetic energy with electronic components of the apparatus, and therefore are one of the main defining elements of the building radio systems. Since there are no magnetic charges, and therefore, no magnetic current, understood as the movement of these charges, a magnetic emitter, a magnetic current element, cannot be accomplished, however, if the antenna radiator initially creates an alternating rotating vortex magnetic field, it is possible to create the antenna having in it the properties of magneto-electric induction. The first satellite phone communication between America and Britain was established through a massive experimental American satellite Echo1, launched into low earth orbit, which represented a ball with a diameter of about 30 m, made of radiotracer material. The type of such a communication satellite can be used in the proposed radio communications. However, since the receiving and transmitting antennas are highly directional, the spacecraft must be in the orbit of such an orientation that it took the signal and reflected it. The diameter of the sphere can be much smaller, and the position in orbit to keep a corrective propulsion system, located in the center of mass. Radioreflective surface may be made of an inflatable film or setpolicy made, for example, of gold-plated tungsten wire with a diameter of about 30 μm deployed in the field in transformable structures. Possible embodiment of setpolicy of magnetically soft material type steel A, E, iron “Armco” or permalloy, which are perfect conductors of magnetic flux and do not require cooling to cryogenic temperatures.


Radio, microsatellites, magnetic antennas

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