Low-power radio-frequency ion thruster

Автор: Akhmetzhanov R.V., Bogatyi A.V., Dronov P.A., Dyakonov G.A., Ivanov A.V.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Авиационная и ракетно-космическая техника

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.16, 2015 года.

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Development and application of small satellite (SS) is currently one of the dynamically developing fields of the world space industry. According to the analysis of current trends in the spacecraft market development, operation of a number of systems might be secured by a SS with the mass from 100 kg to 500 kg in low, up to 1000 km, orbits. There is an objective necessity in the means of orbit keeping and correction for SS of 100…500 kg in mass capable of securing obtaining of high-quality data during 5…10 years. For this, it is necessary to equip SS with the orbital motion control thrusters, and electric propulsions (EP) might be used as such. Typical active life of a SS with the mass of up to 500 kg that is not equipped with EP is limited by 2…3 years. The Laboratory of Radio Frequency Ion Thrusters was founded within the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) in 2010. Vast experience in the investigation of radio frequency ion thrusters (RIT) characterized by different levels of power consumption has been accumulated since then. In view of this, in 2013 MAI jointly with KBKhA open joint-stock company started development of low-power RIT. Computational studies that allowed optimization for the design parameters of emissive and accelerating electrodes of the thruster were made during the low-power RIT development. Thermal and thermomechanical calculations were made for the low-power RIT also. Such calculations revealed the most heat-stressed elements of the thruster unit and allowed taking actions for redistribution of heat flows and selecting materials for the production of electrodes of the thruster ion-extraction system. The low-power RIT laboratory model was made and tested. Operating performance close to the modeled ones were demonstrated by bench tests. Conclusions on the ways to increase basic operating performance of the thruster are made.


Constructive shape, calculation research, experimental processing, industrial base, low-power rf ion thruster

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148177429

IDR: 148177429

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