Interaction between families and Sunday schools in the process of moral upbringing of children

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Moral upbringing of the younger generation is one of the topical issues associated with the revival of spirituality and preservation of the Russian national, moral and cultural traditions. Spirituality and morality are universal human values essential to the development of a civilized society. Currently, when Russian people are looking for the ways of spiritual renewal, Orthodox educational tradition is especially relevant. Orthodox spiritual and moral education, along with the secular one, is a subject of many researches and works written by scientists, holy fathers and teachers of the Church. In Russian tradition, family is the main educational institution. Parents are responsible to society for creating the conditions and providing the best opportunities for spiritual and moral upbringing of children. However, nowadays family is undergoing major changes: interpersonal relations are becoming more complicated, mental and physical health of family members decreases, and family values are lost...


Spirituality, morality, spiritual and moral upbringing, sunday school

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