Interdependence of population and GRP in the dynamics of development of Russian regions
Автор: Rostovtsev A.I.
Журнал: Народонаселение @narodonaselenie
Рубрика: Демография: вопросы теории и практики
Статья в выпуске: 3 т.27, 2024 года.
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Fiscal federalism in Russia is a necessity, which largely determines the socio-economic development of regions. How subsidies are distributed, what happens to the quality of life and what measures can be taken to increase the efficiency of federal budget spending, what patterns can be identified by considering the basic indicators in the dynamics of development of Russian regions. In the Russian centralized budget system, funds are distributed according to non-transparent criteria. Financial assistance to less developed regions is necessary, but in the absence of transparency it does not have a positive effect. Without support and improvement of financial ties, the stability of the regional economy is lost. Violation of the principles of fiscal federalism leads to weakening of the state, budget instability, a decrease in the effectiveness of economic policy and the quality of life of the population. When forming budget programs, the Russian government pays a great attention to gross regional product (GRP) indicator. Gross regional product and population in most regions are not interrelated due to the presence of various factors influencing this relationship. The subjects of the Russian Federation that have had a significant increase in population and gross regional product are of greatest interest within the framework of this study. The relationship of indicators among the growth leaders is clear, but in most regions it is necessary to take into account their specific characteristics. The need to develop regional connections is one of the conditions for increasing the efficiency. Economic and social equalization of regions is possible by overcoming borders, both transport and communication, which, accordingly, will help to equalize the level and quality of life in Russia.
Gross regional product, population size, quality of life, regional development, industry, natural resources
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 143183597 | DOI: 10.24412/1561-7785-2024-3-62-72