Objectives of civil law in improving the model of JSC management

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The article is devoted to the problems and conditions of improving the management model in JSC as a result of the modernization of the Russian economy, the complexity of civil legal relations, the emergence of new legal institutions, the active participation of businesses in global economic processes, the increase of the number and consolidation of business projects, the growing number of foreign investors in our market. The author explains the necessity to conform the civil legislation with the designated processes and international standards. The author comments on the latest legal mechanisms, methods and means of the corresponding legal regulation. In the end of the article the author concludes that the legislation must be characterized by the balance between the optionality - freedom to build independent model of cooperation between the parties to joint-stock companies, on the one hand, and ensuring legal certainty and protection of all market participants - on the other hand. This balance is mostly realized by norms of civil legal nature.


Civil legislation, reform of civil law, conception of civil law development, joint stock company (jsc), legal regulation of jsc activity, corporate management, model of jsc management, business entities

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14973104

IDR: 14973104

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