Protection of black currant from pests

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Berry plants damage more than two hundred species of pests and diseases. With the mass appearance, they not only reduce the yield dramatically, but also worsen the general condition of these perennial plants greatly, and in some cases cause their death. The mass appearance of such pests of berries as currant kidney moth, currant glass, gooseberry moth, aphids, currant kidney mite and others is especially dangerous. Black currant is a perishable and high-yield crop. Black currant bushes bear fruit on the 2nd year after planting, and on the 4-5th year they give a full harvest. Black currant berries are very valuable and necessary for human nutrition and treatment. They contain many vitamins A (carotene), B1 (thiamine), C (antiscorbutic acid) and P (citrine). They are rich in sugar, useful organic acids and mineral salts containing iron, calcium, manganese, phosphorus. Pectin, rutin, catechin contained in the berries of currants are used in medicine, in particular in the treatment of ulcers and hypertension. Currant berries are consumed fresh. In addition, they produce useful valuable food products: jam, jelly, juices, marmalade, and jam. Currants can be successfully cultivated almost on the whole territory of our country. This article discusses the most dangerous and common pests of black currant and methods of dealing with them.


Currant shoot borer, currant borer moth, gooseberry fruit moth, aphids, currant big bud mite, injuriousness, black currants, insecticide, protection systems

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IDR: 147230622   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2018.5.104

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