Earthquakes 22.09.2008 and 20.10.2009 in the northeast of the Russian plate

Автор: Noskova N.N.

Журнал: Вестник геонаук @vestnik-geo

Рубрика: Научные статьи

Статья в выпуске: 1 (289), 2019 года.

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The study of seismicity of low-magnitide areas is relevant in connection with their geodynamic activation, as well as the location of critical objects within the platform, when even a weak seismic event can cause serious damage. The purpose of this work is to determine parameters of earthquakes of 2008 and 2009, the seismotectonic position of hypocenters, and to compare them with calculations of other seismological services. As a result of instrumental data processing in the WSG and NAS programs, the following earthquake parameters were obtained on September 22, 2008: t0 = 23h21m00.5s, 61.276N, 51.580E, R minor = 6.2 km, R major = 21.0 km, Az major = 30°, h = 10f km, К р = 9.4/2, ML = 3.2/2, Ms = 2.9/2. According to our calculations, it occurred in the Kortkeross region of the Komi Republic. Parameters of the earthquake on October 20, 2009: t0 = 04h45m43.9s, 57.777N, 50.364E, R minor = 6.6 km, R major = 24.0 km, Az major = 20 °, h = 5 km, K p = 9.8/3, ML = 3.4/3, Ms = 2.6/2. The epicenter was located in the Nemsky district of the Kirov region. Tectonically, the earthquakes of 2008, 2009 occurred in the area of the Kirov-Kazhim aulacogen of the Volga-Ural anteclise. The earthquakes of the northeast of the Russian Plate are mainly associated with aulacogen and the adjacent arches. The recorded seismic events confirm that the aulacogen is an active seismic-generating structure.


Earthquake, epicenter, bulletin, seismicity, east european platform, russian plate, aulacogen

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149129341   |   DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2019-01-20-28

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