Genre attribution of initiation novel based on the work the goldfinch by D. Tartt

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The article deals with the theoretical and practical examination of the initiation novel, the characteristics of the plot-compositional organization, the space-time structure, the narrative specificity, as well as the type of character, his influence on the stylistics of the novel, the embodiment of the author' s intention and the narrative code of the text. Based on the material of the novel by D. Tartt Goldfinch, the initiation novel is considered as a genre modification of the education novel; the type of character, event and the features of the composite structure are compared. The author concludes that initiation novel has a number of poetological features, such as a clear three-part structure, which coincides with the rite of initiation, a special type of character, chronotope and ways of narration. The initiation novel enriches the genre form and has important artistic and social functions.


Initiation novel, segregation, liminal chronotope, plot-compositional characteristics, type of character

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IDR: 144154427

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