The women's movement for civil and political rights in the United States of America (second half of XIX - beginning of XX centuries)

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The article is devoted to one of the topical problems in modern historical scholarship - the women's movement for civil and political rights in the United States in the second half of the XIX century the importance of the topic lies in the fact that now greatly increased interest in women's history. Domestic and foreign historians doing research on various aspects of women's struggle for their rights. This is because the position of women in society is an acute social problem from the standpoint of legal norms and moral principles. The individual interest of the American women's movement, which was the subject of this study. The present study is based on documentary materials which are located on the official website of «Library of Congress» and contain information about the leaders of the women's movement in the United States, their ideological views about the methods of struggle of American women for civil and political rights, etc. Separate attention is paid to the analysis of texts of documents that have been developed in the process of work of the various congresses of members of the women's movement («Declaration of Sentiments«, etc...


Civil rights, united states declaration of independence, lucretia mott, political rights, susan b. anthony, elizabeth cady stanton, declaration of sentiments, suffrage

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IDR: 14116989

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