Life and works of J.K. Bluntschli

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In 1808 J.K. Bluntschli was born. J.K. Bluntschli is an outstanding Swiss scholar of jurisprudence, one of the founders of the Institute of International Law. He wrote many works on theory of state and law, international law, genesis and typology of states; he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Arts, a member of the Moscow University and many other scientific communities. Professor of Law J.K. Bluntschli led a very private life and many facts and stories, materials for his biography are now irretrievably lost in the course of time. One of the brightest books dedicated to J.K. Bluntschli is “In Memoriam of Bluntschli”, by L. Kamarovsky who knew him personally.


Bluntschli, swiss law, theory of law, political doctrines, political science, international law, natural law, historical theory, natural theory, organic theory

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