The significance of N.I. Vavilov's legacy for the breeding of leguminous crops under the conditions of Western Siberia

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Vavilov’s words that “the necessary conditions for the development of leguminous crops are the selection of varieties, the creation of specialised seed production, the correct zoning of cultures and the use of nitragin fertiliser” are still relevant. The present article analyses eight scientific articles by N.I. Vavilov and the results of the leguminous crop breeding which has been carried out at SibSRIA (Siberian Science and Research Institute of Agriculture) for 86 years. N.I. Vavilov’s predictions on the fact that artificial hybridisation and mutations threathen to significantly multiply the external diversity of form in the near future have been proven to be prophetic. The efforts of breeders have brought about an amelioration of peas as regards the improvement of their producibility, which is due to a change in the plant architecture and the concentration in the genotype of recessive alleles of genes that have a mutant origin.At the present time not only samples of peas, but also some varieties and lines of soybeanspossess a non-shattering character...


Peas, soybeans, plant breeding, collection, introduction, haired leaf peas

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IDR: 142216213

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