A high power generator of gas metal arc welding - spray transfer mode
Автор: Hakki A.M.
Журнал: Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Металлургия @vestnik-susu-metallurgy
Рубрика: Сварка, родственные процессы и технологии
Статья в выпуске: 4 т.24, 2024 года.
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A high-power generator was designed for gas metal arc welding - spray transfer mode. The switching frequency of the H-bridge inverter was fixed at 30 kHz. The inverter unit consisted of four transistor modules (insulated gate bipolar transistor, IGBT) of the MG12200D-BA1MM N-channel type. The high level of the gate-emitter control pulses was 15 V, and the low level of the gate-emitter control pulses was 0 V. The generator had three basic operating points: the first point was at an output current of150 A with a pulse width of 10 μs (duty cycle 30 %), the second point was at an output current of 200 Awith a pulse width of 13 μs (duty cycle 40 %), and the third operating point was at an output current of250 A with a pulse width of 17 μs (duty cycle 50 %). The wires (0.035 inch ER70S7, 0.035 inch ER70S7,0.035 inch ER70S7) were used as the electrodes for the output currents of 150, 200, 250 A respectively. A coil (Ls) of 10 μH and a variable resistor (Rs) of 10 Ω were connected in series to limit the output current of the generator.
Gas metal arc welding, spray transfer mode, h-bridge inverter, igbt transistors
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147244904
IDR: 147244904 | DOI: 10.14529/met240405
Список литературы A high power generator of gas metal arc welding - spray transfer mode
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