A Parallel-SQLIA Detector for Web Security

Автор: Pankaj Kumar, C.P. Katti

Журнал: International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business(IJIEEB) @ijieeb

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.8, 2016 года.

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An SQL injection attack compromises the interactive web based applications, running database in the backend. The applications provide a form to accept user input and convert it into the SQL statement and fire the same to the database. The attackers change the structure of SQL statement by manipulating user inputs. The existing static and dynamic SQLIA detectors are being used for accurate detection of SQL injection, but it ignores the efficiency of the system. These detectors repeatedly verify the same queries inside the system, which causes unnecessary wastages of system resources. This paper contains the design approach of a parallel algorithm for the detection of SQL injection. The Algorithm uses the concept of Hot Query Bank (HQB) to cooperate with the existing SQLIA detectors (e.g. AMNESIA, SQLGuard, etc) and enhances the system performance. It simply keeps the information of previously verified queries in order to skip the verification process on the next appearance. The system performance has been observed by conducting a series of experiments on multi core processors. The experimental results have shown that parallel-SQLIA detector is 65% more efficient in term of time complexity. Further this design can be implemented in real web application environment; and the design interface can be standardized to cooperate with web application and the SQLIA detectors.


SQL Injection Attack, Hot Query Bank, Web Application, AMNESIA, SQLGuard, Parallel-SQLIA Detectors

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15013412

IDR: 15013412

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